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About: Re-Mediation


The re-mediation project challenged us to communicate the argument of our re-purposing paper through a new type of media. Because an underlying theme of all of my work throughout the semester is variety in voice, I decided to make a podcast. This inspired the idea of interviewing a music writer, Nick Boyd, which helped generate evidence from a relevant source that was useful for both the podcast and my re-purposing paper.


While creating the podcast, I used inflections in my voice and background music to highlight the feel of different sections of the podcast. I spoke calmly when explaining the context behind my argument, but used firmer, sharper pitches when iterating a point that exhibited my frustration with the music rating system. The music in the background is also meant to match these tones.


The podcast opens with a chill funky song as I explain my experiences with music journalism and what I believe to be its purpose. A Drake track plays in the background while I read the quote from a review of Drake's album. Then, while explaining the detriment that ratings bring to the music world, it turns to a dark, haunting instrumental. The music becomes happier during the interview section in which I speak thoughtfully about Nick's points, and then returns to a more neutral sound as I explore Nick's points and add my own thoughts. It concludes without any background music, so that my voice is the only sound being heard, which is meant to represent the importance of my last few words.


In order for me to form a cohesive argument in a podcast, I outlined its structure beforehand, but then tried to speak off-the-cuff to retain a conversational tone. I fear this tone may have been lost at points when I had to record the same sentence over a few times, but tried to mimic the sound of a radio show as best as I could. In making this podcast, I figured out how to frame an argument with context, evidence, and flow while adding new types of media.


Click here to listen to the final mix.


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