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About: Re-Purposing


The aim of the re-purposing paper was to modify a piece of writing from our past, configuring it for a new audience or to a new argument. In deciding which piece to re-purpose, I chose a past piece that was a lot of fun for me to write– a music review that I wrote about a musical duo called Oh Wonder. Going off of the theme of my music review, for the re-purposing paper I decided to write about something that I see as a big problem in music writing: the rating system. I love to search for music online, and very much enjoyed writing about a topic that was so personal to me.


Because I have strong feelings about the argument I was writing, I decided to take on a tone that demonstrated this emotion. I wanted to communicate frustration and the message that the current rating system is not something we should put up with. To achieve this, I use strong language like "completely oppose" and "randomness and presumption." I also use modal strategies to accentuate the tone by pulling out especially effective quotes, and separating the sentance "Yes. Yes they can." on to its own line. The pictures that surround the article on the border are also quite striking. Broken instruments and music players envoke feelings like anger, frustration, and uneasiness.


From start to finish, the process of writing this piece was extensive. (See Interpretation to read about the full journey.) In my experiences creating the piece, I improved in the area of in multi-dimensional writing and, of course, experimenting with voice. However, in shifting the argument from my origional idea to something new, I also realized the importance of forming unique perspectives. Writing about a new idea that has not been argued before or writing in a way that presents a new point of view will help me grow intellectually and is much more interesting and stimulating to those who read it.


Click here to explore the final production: Rating Systems in Music Writing Get 0 Stars.


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